Wednesday 4 November 2015

@Phil [Minor Project] 13: 'Elements Academy' Logo Colour Tests

Following feedback on my previous post, I have happily taken thumbnail 23 forward into the colour stage and produced 41 different colour scheme variations (labelled 38-77). Adobe Color CC (formerly Adobe Kuler) has been an invaluable asset in gaining interesting and exciting colour combinations. My primary favourite thumbnail is 62...


It's interesting to note that the yellow ACADEMY text of 67 is far too bright when placed on a white background, whilst 73's teal+red combo appears to be slightly jarring to the eye. On the other hand I find 62's combination of the light & dark mint colours with slightly off-white ELEMENTS text quite appealing.

Thumbnails 38-77
38-57 & White BG

38-57 & Black BG

58-77 & White BG

58-77 & Black BG

New Influences

Adobe Colour CC


  1. Hi Danny,

    For me, number 62 actually lacks a bit of 'punch'.... I am drawn towards 52 on the white background and 53 on the black.

  2. I think the black background is the way forward absolutely - so much more impactful and fun; 53 on black or 76 on black for me!

  3. 57 or 75 on black for me Danny :)
