Wednesday 22 October 2014

@Alan -- [Narrative] 19: Character Development | Pre- and Post-Feedback

Pre-Feedback Thumbnailing
Using the relevant Influence Maps, for the first pre-feedback batch of male character thumbnails, I played with modern French fashion and French stereotypes. I also used the relevant Influence Maps to map out possible silhouettes for the female character.
Female thumbnails.
Male thumbnails.
Further influences.

Post-Feedback Development
Post tutorial with Alan, character design advice included paring down our designs a bit, and researching French salt and pepper grinders to influence our characters shape, thus connecting their body to France and the kitchen. Alan explained that while pairs of salt and pepper shakers / grinders match (in design), they are opposites; a curvy grinder being feminine, and a predominantly tall and straight grinder being masculine, for example.

Post-feedback male thumbnails (so far).
Post-feedback male thumbnails - grinder overlay.

Even though the chosen grinder had some curve to it, I was able to use this to my advantage; since the curve lay in the bottom half of the grinder, I was able to convert the shape into trousers of a shape relevant to the male character. 

While our character is trying to act like a chef and be romantic, he is also very clumsy; a bit of a clown in that respect - for that reason his trousers take on a form reminiscent of those of a clown, in shape. 

Our animation will be designed with slapstick in mind, a technique often used by clowns; supporting further the choice to incorporate this aspect into the design.

Post-feedback Influence Map.


  1. i'm a big fan of No.2 of the men Danny! :) good work!

  2. I like No.5, maybe without the hat :)
