Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Soundscape: Keyframe and my first response

While I was unable to be present when our numbers were picked out of the 'Mysterious Blue Box', it was gladly done for me; I received Folder 13 which led to the painting shown in (Fig. 1). Within a short period of time, I responded quite strongly with various words or sentences related to both possible elements of the animatic and sounds that could make up its soundscape, also coming up with my first idea.

Fig. 1: 'The Funeral of the Anarchist Galli' (1911)
Words and Sentences
Drums, Wind, Flag, Shouts, Industry, Bashing of metal, Party, Africa, Native chants, Battle, Screams, Anger, Dragon, Fire, Booming, Deep pitch, Whooshing, Bass, Footsteps in sand, Clashing of steel on steel, Sun, Sizzling, Fire, Splatter, Atomic bomb explosion, Mushroom cloud, Hypnotic, Distorted, Dramatic, Thunder, Lightning.

First Animatic Idea
Tribal warfare VS modern warfare/technological warfare: 
Tribal warriors with spears, battling on desert sands, in the background an atomic bomb is dropped, the shockwave and heat incinerates the warriors. The keyframe to be used soon after the bomb has been dropped to illustrate the appearance of the mushroom cloud in the first few milliseconds after it has been dropped, as shown in (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2: 'Trinity' Atomic Bomb Test, mushroom cloud first stage. (1945)

Illustrations list
Fig.1: Carrà, Carlo. (1911) The Funeral of the Anarchist Galli [Painting] At: myUCA (Accessed 07.01.14)
Fig. 2: Renner, Eric. (1945) 'Trinity' Atomic Bomb Test, mushroom cloud first stage. [Pinhole photograph] At: http://blog.nuclearsecrecy.com/2012/03/30/trinitys-cloud-1945/ (Accessed 07.01.14)

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