Monday, 25 November 2013

'Secret Lair of an Insectoid Soldier' Concept Art Progress (1)

In order to work around my difficulties with producing concept art I have decided upon breaking down my concept work load into specific stages, thus avoiding becoming overwhelmed as I have been previously. I work on multiple layers so objects can be easily edited without impacting their surroundings. The stages are:
  1. Rough colour block-out over Maya block-out.
  2. Basic colour block-out with forms established.
  3. Change colours where necessary.
  4. Add any basic details such as hieroglyphics.
  5. Consider tonal values concerning object distance from camera.
  6. Perform rough paint-over of shadow and light locations + directions.
  7. Transfer the light & shadow knowledge onto the concept itself.
  8. Add any finishing touches.

Stage 2: Improved colour block-out establishing object shapes.
The central waterfall is not currently shown to avoid it getting in the way of objects.

Stage 1: An extremely rough colour block-out.

The Maya block-out used for my concept art.

The original approved colour scheme.

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